Richard Knight

After an upbringing on the family farm on the coast of North Cornwall, Richard left his tractor behind to train in graphic design and illustration at Kingston University in the mid '80s. Since then he's spent thirty years in the creative industry in London, first as an illustrator and graphic designer, and for the past fourteen years has been a full-time artist based in London and the Isle of Wight.
In the style best described as Classic Modernism, his work process involves seeing the urban environment with the eyes of a tourist, taking delight in the chaotic assault on the senses that is walking around a busy city and conveying in paint what he feels and sees. His modern seascape paintings combine abstract and observational mark making with texture and colour to create his unique style of work.
It is his practice to make several paintings of the same subject with each one evolving in a different way due to the concerted randomness of mark making, overpainting, scraping back, repainting. Eventually the focus goes from the subject matter to the surface of the painting, familiarity with the subject allowing painting with intuitive gesture to attain a figurative interpretation of the familiar.
Apart from appearing on Sky Landscape Artist of the Year, Richard's modern seascape paintings and sailing artworks hang in private collections in Europe, the Middle East and the United States.